UPDATE 09.23.11 @10:00: It looks like the app is free again. If the dates hold, you’ve probably got a few more hours to download Snapseed for free. =M=
UPDATE 09.23.11 @ 00:20: It looks like the free went away a day early. After reading a couple of recent comments to this post, I checked the App Store and sure enough, Snapseed has gone back to $4.99, even though the description still says — and I quote — “FREE from 9/20–9/23”. See the screenshot above. =M=
If you don’t already have this app, we’re about to save you
four five bucks. Powerful photo editor app Snapseed from Nik software is FREE right now in the App Store. This is for the full version of Snapseed and not a feature-limited lite version. Snapseed normally sells for $4.99.This is for a limited time only, so grab it now!
Snapseed is a powerful photo editor with unique features. This is one of the best freebies to come along in a while. Click past the jump for more info and an App Store link. >>>
Author, Artist and Photoshop Hall-of-Famer Jack “Wow” Davis says “Snapseed transforms the enhancing of one’s photography into an incredibly flowing kinetic dance…â€.
Ummm, okay.
For the rest of us, Snapseed is one of few photo apps to bring pro-level photo editing to iPhone and iPad. Adjust, enhance, transform, and share your photos with this powerful app. It’s got a full-featured toolbox for performing color, contrast, luminance, etc. moves. One of the unique features Snapseed has is the Selective Adjust — targets you drop to enhance specific objects or areas in your photos — a really cool feature which lets you easily adjust things like shadows in one area of your image without effecting any other.
Snapseed is free through September 23. It’s a very useful and powerful program. Normally at $4.99, it’s one of the more expensive iPhone photo apps. For free, it’s a highly recommended download. Just grab it.
Snapseed is a universal app. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later.
Reader Chase Masters is two-for-two today. Big thanks for the heads up on this excellent freebie!
UPDATE 09.20.11 @17:15: Updated regular price. It’s actually $4.99 in the US App Store. =M=