Consistently top-selling camera replacement app, Camera+ was updated today to version 2.4VS.
Its one new feature: the return of VolumeSnap.
VolumeSnap allows you to use one of your iPhone’s hardware volume buttons as a shutter release. It’s a feature that was forbidden by Apple prior to iOS 5.
The feature has a bit of a history with Camera+. The app originally had the feature hidden in an old build. The hack spread, Apple got word and Camera+ went away for a while.
Use of the volume button as a shutter release is now built into iOS 5 and its native Camera app and is a strong reason to upgrade if you haven’t already. Now, VolumeSnap has been returned to Camera+.
Several other photo apps have already implemented a similar feature, including ProCamera and Camera Genius
. Almost as quickly as it appeared, however, Camera Genius released an update today removing the feature “at the request of Apple.” No word yet as to why.
Using the volume shutter release with many other photo apps also caused the iPhone’s volume to change as well — causing your iPhone’s volume to “go to eleven” after only a few shots. This may be the reason Apple is recalling the feature on some apps (pure speculation on my part). VolumeSnap in Camera+, though, works very nicely with the iPhone and doesn’t change the volume of the device at all.
With Apple reversing course on the new volume shutter feature with some apps, we’ll see how this plays out. For now, though, download or update it while you can.
Camera+ is on sale now for 99¢. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.