HarrisCamera sample image
As the App Store continues to return to normal after the holiday break, there has been a recent flurry of photo app updates lately. Here are some of the more notable updates. Among the dozens of photo apps updated recently are LensLight, LensFlare, Instant110, Noise Master, and Harris Camera.
We’ve also got five copies of LensFlare to give away. Find out how you could win one after the jump. >>>
Okay, well maybe HarrisCamera isn’t a notable update, but it is a cool camera app. The new update now also includes in-app sharing to Facebook and Tumblr. HarrisCamera is a unique photo app. It’s the only app I know of in the App Store to recreate the Harris shutter effect, a classic analog photo effect achieved by taking multiple exposures through several colored filters. Since the last update, the app saves in full resolution. It’s a good app.
App Store link: HarrisCamera
LensLight and LensFlare
LensLight and LensFlare — two excellent apps for adding natural-looking lens aberrations to your photos. Both updates add several new light effects to the already impressive tool set.
The new LensFlare effects are modeled on the very cinematic anamorphic lens flares used in motion pictures. Think J.J. Abrams flicks. LensLight gets the new Lumos Glow, Spectrum Halo, Rainbow Spikes and other new effects.
Want to win a free copy of LensFlare? We’ve got five free copies to give away. We’ll be giving them away on Life In LoFi’s Facebook page Tuesday, January 10, starting around 2:00 pm Eastern time — that’s 11:00 am Los Angeles time. (Update: All of the promo codes have been given away. =M=)
App Store link: LensFlare
App Store link: LensLight
Noise Master
New noise reduction photo app Noise Master just got a stability update. Although I had no problems processing images up to the 8 megapixels of an iPhone 4S, the app is supposed to have improved memory management and should be able to process even larger images. It eventually processed a 16 MP image on my 4S, but not before crashing a lot and requiring that I shut down all apps and reboot. It processed a 12 MP image on my 4S without breaking a sweat. This update is more for owners of older iPhones. According to the developer, memory management is significantly improved for older models and should make the app much more stable on those devices.
Noise Master now also retains the slider level between photos.
App Store link: Noise Master
youthhr is the developer for some killer iPhone photo apps, including Cameramatic, Phonto, and Instant110. Like the excellent Cameramatic, Instant110 is a square format app. However, Instant110 uses film/lens/developer analogies to emulate its retro photo effects. Effects and frames differ from Cameramatic in that Instant110 seems to emulate the looks of the plastic consumer Instamatic-style cameras of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
The new 1.4.0 update gets new functionality, including separate focus and exposure. Also, you can now save or delete multiple images from the apps Lightbox.
The new Double Exposure feature lets you manually create two-exposure images in camera. It ghosts the first image onscreen to help compose the second shot. The handy onscreen heads up display lets you know when you are shooting in Double Exposure mode. It has a funky blending algorithm, though. Instead of two equally transparent images sandwiched together, Instant110’s new Double Exposure tool adds a lot more emphasis to the second shot taken. Keep that in mind when you use the feature. It can either create some cool effects or some unwanted ones.
App Store link: Instant110