Here’s a call for entries for a high profile, curated mobile photography exhibition in San Diego, California — this one with a unique twist. The App Wars is currently accepting submissions — photographs which are processed by Hipstamatic and Instagram apps only.

The exhibition opens in October at San Diego’s 3RDSPACE Gallery. I’ve got a lot more information about this event, including submission information and links, after the jump. >>>

Although the call is worldwide, this will be a very exclusive show. Only 100 Hipstamatic images and 100 Instagram images will be selected for the Gallery Showing.

Entry fees are a very reasonable $5 per image. The deadline for entries is September 25, 2012 at 11:59PM PST. See below for submission links and instructions.

I’ve posted the entire press release of the show below. It’s a good read on how mobile photography, in particular Hipstamatic and Instagram, is effecting other  more established forms of digital photography.

This is a high profile photographic event in a major market and should attract a lot of attention in the prestigious Southern California market.

The App Wars Full Press Release

The App Wars is a mobile photography contest for lovers of the mobile photography medium who use the Hipstamatic or Instagram applications. Although, it is called, “The App Wars”, this contest isn’t about “war” between these two apps; this contest is really about bringing awareness and exposure to both applications in one fun contest and furthering the cause of the mobile photography medium’s struggle to become legitimately ingrained in the Photographic Arts.

Bridging the gap between the mobile photography medium and the conventional medium seems like a natural progression due to the quality of the images coming from the technology now coupled with the fact that many conventional photographers are falling in love with their mobile phones (Some secretly; some not-so secretly) as their tool of choice when making a photograph. Controversially, the filters in the apps have been a cause of debate on the legitimacy of the art but have no different bearing on the photos themselves than the utilization of programs such as Photoshop or other editing programs for DSLR photography. Mobile Photography and specifically these applications have brought exposure to the Photographic Arts as a whole to people who would have otherwise never been exposed to it and we look forward to seeing the progression of the medium and seeing what this competition will offer in it’s submissions.

Our judges include Gina Costa, M.A. and Ph.D, A curator from the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame and the esteemed commercial photographer, Chip Simons, whose work has been featured for Seagram’s, in Rolling Stone, Time Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Newsweek and many others.

The App Wars Contest will include a gallery showing from the Reception on October 6th, 2012 at 3RDSPACE Gallery in San Diego, California through the end of October with a book publishing to follow. 100 Hipstamatic images and 100 Instagram images will be selected for the Gallery Showing with one winning Hipstamatic photographer receiving $1000 USD and one winning Instagram Photographer receiving $1000. No larger singular cash prizes have been awarded for a Mobile Photography contest anywhere. Entry fees are $5 per image.

The deadline for entries is September 25, 2012 at 11:59PM PST and the gallery selections announced on 9/30/12.

Terms and Conditions of the contest and all other information including instruction on registration and submission can be found on our web page at We can also be contacted by email at info [at] theappwars [dot] com for questions and comments. For updates, please see our Facebook page .


Life In LoFi is a media partner for The App Wars.