MOBILE PHOTO PARIS EXPO Vernissage from charles dizier on Vimeo.

Mobile Photo Paris, the first major exhibition of mobile photography in Paris opened yesterday at the Bastille Design Center. The show features works from iPhoneographers and other mobile photographers from France and around the world. It runs through November 25.

Among the artists featured in the exhibit are iPhoneographers we’ve featured here in our Faved On Flickr features, including Nadine Bénichou, Catriona Donagh, Nettie Edwards, Amy Leibrand, Stéphane Mahé. 18 mobile photographers are represented in all. Check out the website,,  for the catalog of the event. There are outstanding visual works on display.

Here’s a Google translation of the information about the show. If you’re in or near Paris, be sure to catch this important show this weekend.

Mobile Photo Paris is a group of photographers, French or Francophile, professional or amateur, different worlds, but united around a single device, their phone, they see it as a contemporary tool, playful and experimental.

This event is emblematic of a movement that is revolutionizing the technical and artistic dogmas. It is a way to redefine what photography in the context of the digital revolution.

Mobile photography movement was born with the iPhone, and especially the “apps”, small software for manipulating images, shooting and post-production. Smartphones are now cameras most used by the public and sharing photographs became the first use of social networks.

Photographers have captured these devices into a mode of artistic expression in its own right. They leave a large part in the experiment, kindly welcome by chance due to lack of control of the aircraft, to reveal a new way to materialize their eyes. As, paradoxically, a perfect antidote to conventional digital photography.

Mobile Photo photographers Paris felt the need to set their works on paper, both to take the distance from the screens and to share these images in a context other than social networks.

From 21 to 25 November 2012, Paris Photo Mobile Bastille Design Center presents the works of 18 artists, created with their smartphone.

Mobile Photo Paris will feature the works of 18 photographers, but also host daily activities around the photo mobile: conferences, workshops, photowalks …

For the first time in Paris, a major exhibition will present the various aspects and possibilities of mobile photography through over a hundred prints, revealing a variety of approaches.

Mobile Photo Exhibition Paris will be held November 21 to 25, 2012 at Bastille Design Center, an industrial building exceptionally located between Bastille and the Marais.

Exhibited artists: Nadine Benichou , Eric Chauvet , Julien Damoiseau , Catriona Donagh , Stéphanie Dupont , Philippe Durand Gerzaguet , Cécile Edelist , Nettie Edwards , Lénaïc Entremont , Jerome Kerneis , Pierre Le Govic , Amy Leibrand , Loïc Le Rumeur , Stéphane Mahè , Jean- Christophe Polgár , Gilles Saulnier , Shmagrinskaya Elena , Sébastien Vixac .
