Unbox Therapy takes one for the collective team and stress tests their new iPhone 6 Plus
File this under “don’t try this at home.”
If you’re like me and you holster your iPhone in either your front (or sometimes back) pockets, you may want to rethink where you stash your new device. Some iPhone 6 Plus owners have been reporting that the large, new devices may be prone to bending.
Some users are reporting that their new iPhones were bent during normal activities, usually as a result of sitting with the device still in their pockets. In the past, there have been isolated reports of earlier iPhones bending, but it’s been my experience that iPhone 4 and 5 series phones are pretty durable and hold up well against the full weight of a “sit.” However, the new larger iPhone seems more prone to bending due to its larger size and thinner profile. Meanwhile, pockets everywhere have yet to adapt.
In a new YouTube video that’s going viral, Unbox Therapy’s Lewis Hilsenteger sacrificed his own new 6 Plus to demonstrate the new device’s inadvertent flexibility.
Unfortunately, it looks like a bent iPhone is not covered under Apple’s usually generous warranty. Out-of-warranty iPhone 6 Plus repairs could cost up to $329. While that’s still less than the cost of outright replacing the phone, it’s still a considerable chunk of change to spend to fix a brand new device.
Both iPhone 6 devices are made of aluminum, which is a pretty soft metal. That’s the same stuff beer cans are made of and the walls of the case of the new iPhone is not really much thicker. The weak point of the case seems to be where the buttons are placed, which makes sense — there’s even less metal there making it much easier to stress and bend.
If you’re like me and stash your iPhone in a pocket for easy access, you should be aware that the iPhone 6 Plus may be a little less “durable” than its predecessors. I’ve accidentally sat with my 5S in my back pocket.
Old habits sometimes die hard. If you have one of the new iPhones, you may want to consider handling your new iPhone a little differently, pausing to check before you sit, and stowing your 6 as you would a tablet.

There seems to be an iPhone-shaped dent in the front seat of my car…. (Photo by Stacy Anderson)