New Filterstorm 3 iconiPhone image editing app Filterstorm is already one of the most powerful photo apps in the App Store. One of the things that I like about the app is how its interface was redesigned to take advantage of the iPhone’s limited screen real estate. Although there have been a number of other image editing apps released or improved, I still think that Filterstorm sets the standard and redefines how image editing apps should work on the iOS platform. You can read my full review of Filterstorm 3 here.

Filterstorm 4.1 was recently released. Although this is a .1 version update, it adds some powerful new tools to the app, as well as new social network sharing.

More after the jump. >>>

Those of you who work in Photoshop on the desktop will appreciate the Layers workflow and layer masks that were added to Filterstorm in a previous update. Filterstorm lets you work with up to five layers at a time before it starts to merge them from the bottom of the stack. The 4.1 update allows you to easily invert a layer mask with the push of a button.

Another new tool familiar to Photoshop users is the Levels tool which allows you to easily adjust white point, black point and gamma. It actually allows you to adjust the dark and light gamma separately — something that Photoshop doesn’t do yet. The tool also has a helpful histogram.

Filterstorm now shares directly to Facebook and Twitter. It’s still not on par with the number of share destinations of other apps, but Filterstorm offers more choices a poweruser is likely to use, such as FTP, SFTP, Dropbox and others.

The 4.1 update also has other tweaks and fixes. See below for the complete list.

Filterstorm is a Universal app that takes advantage of both iPhone and iPad screen real estate. It continues to to be an excellent tool for powerful image editing on your iPhone or iPad.

Filterstorm is $3.99. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.2 or later.

Filterstorm - Tai Shimizu


Here’s What’s New in Filterstorm 4.1:

• Twitter export support
• Facebook export support
• Added Levels tool
• Added Invert Mask tool
• Interface updates
• Will now give option to reopen edited image if crashes during processing.
• Added numerical max export size (can override the slider’s range)
• Added ability to set FTP Port

• Improved stability on iPad 1
• Set default max export size on iPad 1 to 5MP (can be overridden)
• Fixed crash with flickr export.
• Fixed issue with EXIF data on export.
• Fixed bug causing issues displaying cloned layers when masking above them
• Increased flickr timeout interval
• Reduced iCloud backup size.
